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We love Open Source.
A dynamic, real-time, high-performance API gateway.
Latest Version · 3.9.1
Release Date · 2024-04-29
APISIX® Dashboard
Designed to make it as easy as possible for users to operate Apache APISIX through a frontend interface.
Latest Version · 3.0.0
Release Date · 2023-02-01
APISIX® Ingress Controller
APISIX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes.
Latest Version · 1.6.0
Release Date · 2022-12-30
APISIX® Java Plugin Runner
Runs Apache APISIX plugins written in Java. Implemented as a sidecar that accompanies Apache APISIX.
Latest Version · 0.4.0
Release Date · 2022-11-11
APISIX® Go Plugin Runner
Runs Apache APISIX plugins written in Go. Implemented as a sidecar that accompanies Apache APISIX.
Latest Version · 0.5.0
Release Date · 2022-11-10
APISIX® Python Plugin Runner
Runs Apache APISIX plugins written in Python. Implemented as a sidecar that accompanies Apache APISIX.
Latest Version · 0.2.0
Release Date · 2022-03-04


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gpg -i KEYS
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# orpgp -ka KEYS

如果需要验证二进制文件/源代码,您可以从主目录下载相关的 ACS 文件,并遵循下面的指南。
gpg --verify apache-apisix-********.asc apache-apisix-********
# orpgpv apache-apisix-********.asc
# orpgp apache-apisix-********.asc